More About Me

Shannon King has worked closely with Frank Neer on the number one Real Estate Team in Cohasset over the past 18 years.  Before working with Frank, Shannon worked as a household and property manager for families in Cohasset and Scituate. This consisted of several responsibilities, time management skills and working together with contractors/vendors to assure all properties were in perfect order at all times.  Growing up in Scituate MA, and then raising her son, Chris in Cohasset MA, Shannon has a great knowledge of The South Shore. She possesses interpersonal and communicative skills, a professional attitude and always puts her client's needs first.

Shannon has also helped in the community in being a part of The Cohasset Education Foundation's anual fund-raising event since 2007. She is also Secretary on the Board of Directors of The Cohasset Working Dog Foundation. She understands the need for support in a small community and thrives to be a part of positive change. 

Please call Shannon for any of your Real Estate needs.

